The Catholic Medical Guild of St. Luke, Bombay


(as amended)



            The name of the Guild shall be “The Catholic Medical Guild of St. Luke”, with its headquarters in Bombay.

            His Grace, the Archbishop of Bombay, shall be the Patron of the Guild.


Aims and Objectives

The aims of the guild shall be:-

(a) Cultivate a Catholic code of action in matters professional;

(b) Constitute a brotherhood of the Catholic members of the medical profession;

(c) Provide mutual assistance in their religious and professional life.;

(d) Facilitate friendly intercourse between them and the members of cognate branches and the clergy and the others interested in the study and discussion of medico-religious questions and touching on Deontology;

(e) Investigate the relation of medical theory and the practice of Catholic Theology and Philosophy;

(f) Uphold the principles of Catholic faith and morality;

(g) Influence public opinion in the above;

(h) Promote medical education, render medical relief, and render such assistance to medical institutions as may be practicable;

(i) In general, promote among Catholic members of the profession such solidarity as may be advantageous both to their religion and profession.

The Guild shall endeavor to secure the above aims by:-

(a) Periodical meetings for discussions, questions, and answers, etc;

(b) Contributions to the Medical Congress at which papers of interest to the Guild are read and discussed;

(c) Circulation of literature;

(d) The formation of a Medical Library;

(e) Lectures;

(f) Articles in the press;

(g) The establishment of an organ of the Guild;

(h) Helping deserving Medical Institutions which are serving the general public with medical staff and with monetary help as the finances may permit;

(i) Bringing the Guild members together at two principle functions:-

            i) An Annual Mass to be offered in honor of St. Luke on the Feast Day;

            ii) An Annual Social Reunion.



1. Membership of the Guild is open to all Catholic Medical and Dental practitioners whose qualifications are registrable under their respective State Medical Councils, and also to other Catholics as specified in item clauses (c) and (d) of item 2 below. Non-Catholic Medical and Dental practitioners whose qualifications are registrable under their respective State Medical Councils and non-Catholic medical and dental students undergoing training may also be admitted as Associate members mentioned in item clause (c) in item 2 below.

2. Membership shall be divided into the following five classes:-

(a) LIFE MEMBERS, i.e. all registered Medical and Dental practitioners, residents of the Archdiocese of Bombay and of any part of India where there is no established Guild, on payment of a sum of Rs. 100/- in a lump sum and whose applications for such for such membership are approved by the Executive Committee.

(b) ORDINARY MEMBERS, i.e. all registered Medical and Dental practitioners, residents of the Archdiocese of Bombay or of any part of India where there is no established Guild.

(c) ASSOCIATE MEMBERS i.e, all those belonging to cognate professions, eg. Pharmacists and nurses; and members of the clergy. Non-Catholic medical and dental practitioners and students resident in the Archdiocese of Bombay whose applications for Associate membership are approved by the Executive Committee.

(d) STUDENT MEMBERS, i.e. those Catholic medical and dental students undergoing training for registrable qualifications.

(e) HONORARY ASSOCIATE MEMBERS, i.e. such persons of Eminence as may be invited by the Executive Committee without payment of any fee.

3. All those who desire to be members should apply in the prescribed form and forward the same to the Secretary. The Honorary Secretary shall place the application before the Executive Committee for their decision and if accepted, the applicant shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution of the Guild on payment of the prescribed fee.

4. The membership fee shall be Rs. 10/- per annum for Ordinary members; Rs. 4/- per annum for Associate members and Student members and a sum of Rs. 100/- in a lump sum for Life Members. Ordinary fully paid- up members of twenty years standing or more may opt to become life members on payment of a lump sum of Rs 30.

5.  Membership of the Guild shall cease by death, resignations or by being struck off the rolls.

6.  a member is liable to be struck off the rolls of membership, if after due notice has been given to him or her of allegations of misconduct on his or her part which is not compatible with the aims and objects of the Guild, a 3/4th majority of members of the Executive Committee present at two consecutive meetings shall so decide.

7.  Members in arrears of fees for more than two years, may be deemed to have resigned provided two notices were sent on two different occasions under certificate of posting for recovery.



The Medical Guild shall consist of:-

            (a)  an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, eight elected and two  nominated members and the ex-officio representative of the Student members (Secretary of             the Junior Medical Guild).

            b)  A General Body of Life and Ordinary members.

The Guild shall have an Ecclesiastical adviser to be designated its Chaplain who shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive committee.  His appointment shall rest with the Guild Patron who shall also nominate two members to the Executive Committee from amongst the Life and Ordinary members.

General Body

1.         The General Body shall meet once a year to receive and adopt the Executive Committee’s  Annual   Report and audited statement of accounts.

2.         Every two years it shall elect by a system of ballot, a President, Vice-President and eight  members to the Executive Committee, and it shall also appoint an auditor.

3.         At the Biennial election meeting of the General Body the report should be presented to  every member present as far as possible in printed form.  It shall contain an Audited  Statement of Accounts, a recapitulation of the work done during the previous two years, as  well as any observations and recommendations which the President and his Committee may  have to make for the good working of the Guild.

4.         The agenda for the General meeting shall be drawn up by the Executive Committee and  circulated to the members at least a fortnight before the meeting.  Notices of motion from  members should reach the Secretary at least a week before the meeting, and if admitted by  the President shall be placed before the meeting.

5.         The quorum for the General Body meeting shall be 20 (twenty) members or 1/5th of the total  members whichever is less.  If the members present at the appointed time do not constitute a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned by half an hour, and at the adjourned meeting the   business of the original meeting shall be disposed off with the members present.  This rule  shall also apply to the Extraordinary General Body meetings whenever called by the  Executive Committee.

6.         On a written requisition signed by at least six members of the Executive Committee or by  not less than 20 members of the General Body, the Hon. Secretary shall under the direction  of the President convene a special General Meeting.  The agenda shall be circulated to all members at least fifteen days prior to the date of the meeting.

7.         If within half an hour after the appointed time for the special general meeting, it is found  that there is no quorum, the meeting shall be dissolved.

8.         All questions shall be decided by a majority vote of the Life and Ordinary members present,   the President having a casting voter in case of a tie.

9.         In the absence of the President or the Vice-President to preside over a General Body  Meeting, the members shall select a Chairman for the same from among the members present.

10.       Any motion involving fundamental changes in the Constitution shall be placed before the General Body after it has been circulated to all the members of the Guild.  The acceptance shall require a 2/3rd majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

11.       The General Body shall have the power to call for any information from the Executive  Committee bearing on the working of the Guild.

Executive Committee

1.      The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, eight elected members, two nominated by the Patron, the ex-officio secretary of the Junior Medical Guild and the Chaplain as an ex-officio member.

2.      The Committee shall at its first meeting elect from among its members a Secretary, a Joint Secretary and a Treasurer.  These along with the President and Vice-President shall be called Office Bearers.  The Joint Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for the library and will also undertake such work of the Honorary Secretary as the Executive Committee may deem fit.

3.      The Committee shall carry out the aims and objects of the Guild in accordance with rules laid down in this Constitution.  It shall have the power to frame such bye laws for the conduct of its business as may be necessary and as are not inconsistent  with the rules and policy of the Guild.

4.      Six members including the office-bearers shall constitute  a quorum at its meetings;  meetings adjourned for want of quorum need no quorum.

5.      The Secretary shall under the direction of the president convene all meetings by a circular specifying the date, time and place where such meetings will be held and the general nature of the business to be transacted.

6.      He shall give the members at least seven days notice of the meetings and as far as possible, send along with the notice and the agenda a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.

7.      In an emergency, the President shall have the power to call a committee meeting within twenty-four hours, without a formal agenda, at which a quorum shall not be required provided that, ( 1) the Office Bearers are present, and (2) decisions taken there at are in due course communicated to a regular Executive Committee meeting for ratification.

8.      All questions shall be decided by a majority vote, the President having a casting vote in case of a tie.

9.      Any member who absents himself from  three consecutive meetings without giving previous intimation and later assigning a cause for his absence shall be deemed to have resigned.

10.  The Committee shall have the power to fill up any vacancies in its ranks caused by resignation or otherwise, and such appointments shall hold good till new ones are made at the next Biennial General meeting.

11.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep correct records of the proceedings of all meetings both of the Executive Committee as well as the General Body.

12.  The Treasurer shall keep all accounts of receipts and disbursements and submit a quarterly statement of accounts to the Executive Committee.  He shall prepare an annual Statement of Accounts and after having it audited, present it to the Annual meeting.

13.  The Joint Honorary Secretary shall keep a classified list of all the books and journals belonging to the Guild, keep a record of books issued, make all necessary rules for their issue and safe return.  He shall place before the Committee for its approval, suggestions made by members for purchase of new books.  In an emergency, a book may be purchased with the sanction of the President.

14.  There shall be a special Committee meeting in preparation for an Annual General meeting to consider and approve the Executive Committee’s Annual Report and the Treasurer’s statement of Accounts.

15.  The Committee shall have powers to decide upon and take the necessary steps to establish a Federation of all the Medical Guilds in India, and in general to decide upon the question of cooperation with other organized bodies, and any representation to be made to public authorities.

Junior Medical Guild

1.      Membership of the Junior Medical Guild shall be open to all Catholic students attending any of the medical and dental colleges in Bombay.  Non-catholic medical and dental students in Bombay may also be admitted as Associate members of the Guild as specified in items 1 and 2 (c) of the section on membership in this Constitution.

2.      The Junior Medical Guild shall elect an Honorary Secretary from amongst its members and one representative whenever possible from each dental and medical or dental college.

3.      The Chaplain of the guild or his representative shall  be the Chaplain of the Junior Guild.

4.      The report of the activities of the Junior Medical Guild and its statement of accounts shall be in the Executive Committee’s report and the Treasurer’s report respectively both of which shall be presented at the Annual General Body meeting.

5.      The Secretary of the Junior Medical Guild shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the Guild.

6.      The student members of the Junior Medical Guild may participate in all academic, social and cultural activities of the Guild.  They may also attend General Body meetings but they will not be permitted to vote.


1.      The financial year will extend from April 1 to March 31.

2.      All annual subscriptions are payable in April.  Members joining after October may pay half the annual subscription.

3.      All investments hall be made in the name of the president, Secretary and Treasurer and all accounts shall be operated by any two of them.

4.      No contract, debts or obligation shall be binding on the guild unless contracted by virtue of a resolution of the Executive Committee.

5.      Payment of all current and recurrent charges and expenditures upto Rs 2,500/- for a single item at a time be made by the Hon Treasurer with the consent of the President; other payments shall be made with the sanction of the Executive Committee.

6.      To receive and accept donations, gifts, grants or contributions in cash or kind from any person or persons, associations, society, company, authority or Government for the furtherance of the aims and objects of the Catholic Medical Guild of St. Luke, Bombay, and upon such terms and conditions as the Executive Committee of the guild in its absolute discretion may deem it fit.







Membership of the Guild is open to all Catholic Medical and Dental practitioners whose qualifications are registrable under their respective State Medical Councils. Membership of the Guild is also open to all those belonging to cognate professions and student members undergoing training in the medical, dental and cognate professions. Medical (M.B.B.S., B.U.M.S., B.A.M.S., B.H.M.S.) and professionals (B.D.S.) and students become life members and cognate professionals (eg. Physiotherapists, Speech therapists, Pharmacists) and students become associate members.

To apply for membership, kindly download the form and post it to the General Secretary for hand it over to any member of the Executive Committee.

(form to come soon)

Life membership fees: Rs. 1,000/- payable by cheque only in the name of “The Catholic Medical Guild of St. Luke”.


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